In Time

- 1 min

In ten days time,
will I feel the pain of this heartbreak,
the ache in my stomach and the pounding in my head?

In ten years time,
will the taste of loss still linger in my veins,
or will this blood simply be silent tears in an ocean?

In a hundred years time,
will the world I loved say farewell,
as it watches a library of wisdom simmer into the ground?

In a thousand years time,
will the children remember only the names of a few,
the chosen ones who proclaimed their worth to the world?

In a million years time,
will our species be for naught,
the only recollection of us written in the heavens above?

When the earth stops turning and the sun stops shining,
will I still feel the pain of this heartbreak,
taste the loss in my veins?

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