Sleeping At Last

- 2 mins

Sleeping at Last is a reflection of my soul.

“Atlas: Year One” is truly the best album I have ever heard in my entire life. Ryan O’ Neal is a genius.

The album is about existence, truth, human nature, and our place in the universe. The lyrics are poetic streams of magic woven from beauty and wonder. Every word seeps love and appreciation for the universe, and I feel a deep and meaningful connection to his music. His voice is rich and authentic, and speaks to the heart and mind.

I also love how the album is all about love, but not for a guy or girl as most albums are. It’s about love for the universe, and for our existence. It’s about loving life, and appreciating the world we live in.

The album is organized into sub-albums (Darkness, Light, Space, Land, Oceans). Not only is the music amazing, but the album covers are stunning. He also has a few music videos (Neptune: which features rain, Bad Blood: which features dark clouds, and many more artistic masterpieces if you look through his Youtube channel).

His perception of the world is hauntingly beautiful, and I can relate to all the songs in the album down to every lyric and note. He writes about the stories of the songs here: I love it when musicians write the stories behind their songs; it helps me understand and notice components of songs I normally wouldn’t have noticed. For example, he added the 16-week old heartbeat of his unborn child at the end of the last song of the album, which masterfully concluded this amazing album and starts his next series with the theme of “Life”. It also shows how much thought he puts into each song and a few of the artistic decisions he makes.

Listen to this album in the dark, or better yet, with headphones under the stars. Close your eyes, and immerse yourself in the ethereal beauty of the music and with it, the universe. Some songs may speak to you in the first listen, but others take some time to truly understand.

I can’t wait to hear “Atlas: Year Two” which is coming out this year!

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